Model no. PowerManage Platform
A Complete Solution for Managing IP Security Services
CMS, Mobile App & Comm. SolutionsPowerManage is an advanced management platform that offers security service providers a complete solution for managing their IP-based services from a Central Monitoring Station (CMS).
An all-in-one receiver, technical management center, and interactive service platform, PowerManage runs on standard professional server hardware and proven web technologies.
With PowerManage, monitoring companies can expand their services without the need to install and support more equipment. Additionally, large monitoring providers benefit from lowered costs per account.
More Cost-Effective and Reliable
PowerManage has a low cost per account and is one of the most cost-effective solutions available thanks to its commercial server hardware. When installed on high-performance system hardware, each PowerManage server can handle up to 100,000 IP-based intrusion alarm systems concurrently.
Web Technology improves Service and Accessibility
PowerManage allows central monitoring stations (CMS) to enhance the way they interact with their customers, as well as deliver new products and services. Equally important, with PowerManage, the alarm systems are accessible anywhere and at any time, simplifying operations, maintenance and system programming.
PowerManage Benefits:
Lowers operational cost per account for CMS
Delivers optimal performance – The use of standard server hardware reduces system downtime compared to proprietary servers
Improves customer loyalty with interactive services (user and installer apps) for homeowners
Facilitates technical support teams’ work
PowerManage Key Features:
Can be installed on a local server (on-premises) or in the cloud
Three on-premises hardware-configurations are available:
PowerManage High-performance system (installed on an HP machine) handles up to 100,000 alarm systems and 10,000 concurrent interactive sessions
PowerManage Mid-performance system (installed on an HP machine) handles up to 50,000 alarm systems and 5,000 concurrent interactive sessions
PowerManage Lite-performance system (installed on a DELL machine) handles up to 10,000 alarm systems and 1,000 concurrent interactive sessions
Installation and training by qualified Visonic staff
Easy-to-use web interface with
Flexibility to customize operator/administrator profiles and accounts for technical staff, shift administrators, and IT managers
Enhanced search, navigation and filtering capabilities – Simplifies management functions
Multiple and adaptive screen resolution and resizing – Allows presentation of more data in a single page
Localization – Allows the user to select the desired language from a dropdown menu of supported languages
Grouping of panels (alarm systems) allows for easy management and configuration
Basic configuration – Allows to push predefined parameters to a group of panels
Visual verification of alarms allows monitoring stations to identify false alarms
Advanced management functions enable tech support personnel to troubleshoot issues, produce reports and tune the alarm systems remotely
Fully redundant deployed configuration – Allows for a secondary server to automatically take over the traffic and keep the system alive
Logs events (including recorded images) for each connected panel
No need for software installation on operators’ client PCs
Secured communication using SSL (https) protocol
Enables programming of the PowerMax and PowerMaster, PowerSeries Neo and PowerSeries Pro panels over IP or cellular network
Supports all Visonic IP communicators– Cellular and Broadband (PowerLink), as well as PowerSeries Neo communicators
Allows end-users to connect remotely (via a mobile app) to their alarm systems without the need for a fixed IP address. Secure connection to the panel, requiring 2-factor authentication for binding the end-user’s mobile device to the panel
Allows installers to quickly configure and manage alarm systems through the state-of-the-art AlarmInstall mobile app
Allows software personalization and branding through addition of a company logo
Allows automatic Remote Routine Inspection (RRI) of the remote alarm system
Provides enhanced reporting system for alarms, device status and test results for each alarm system
Allows Remote Software Upgrade (RSU) for the supported panels (alarm systems)